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our vision

to be the preferred choice capability development partner for great enterprise architects


our team

the company was founded in 2015 by

Steven Leslie Green who has been working with large telecommunications companies globally to lead their development of enterprise and IT architecture capabilities for over 11 years.


we are forming an advisory board to act in a strategic advisory role for the company with experts in distance learning, enterprise and IT architecture and business and technology strategy.  

we are using architecture techniques to build our company using strategic tools such as the business model canvas and value proposition design. We are a lean start-up that will offer integrated services for personal EA skills development using archimate; with choices for industry sector, tools and accreditation


We want to enable enterprise architects to realize their fullest potential and be great at what they do. A real problem is that today's EA learning focuses more on knowledge and less on practical skills needed to be a great enterprise architect. The traditional teaching methods used for enterprise architecture now can be expensive for individuals and companies. They are often inflexible in terms of when and where you study, have limited tutor contact and little or no hands on pragmatic practice or feedback. Often the example content and models are based on the academic examples included in the standards and not real life work from actual practice




To build services that help people develop to their highest possible potential and become great enterprise architects who create outstanding business value, and who continually develop to realize their organizations goals and personal career aspirations.




  • To enable our clients to realize their fullest potential and become great enterprise architects

  • To advance the practice of enterprise architecture by creating the most effective and highest quality approach to continuous personal skills and knowledge development by changing the approach to learning in our industry.

  • To drive ArchiMate as the common language for enterprise architecture to permit cross organization and cross industry sector reuse reducing your effort and time to create outstanding content.

  • To provide learning that uses content and examples that are relevant to your industry sector and that may be reused directly in your organization.

  • To move enterprise architecture learning from certification to practical abilities that mean you create tangible and pragmatic differences to enterprises in reaching their goals.

  • To create a community of practice for sharing not only knowledge but more importantly to maximize the reuse of architecture content and reduce the time it takes you to deliver true value to the organizations stakeholders.




We are continuously developing a range of quality integrated personal development services for enterprise architects, such as distance learning, mentoring and coaching, peer-review and the community of practice to exchange and reuse architecture content. This is our core focus. We want to be there throughout your continuous development as an architect in a longer term relationship rather than simply helping you become industry certified as a single transaction.


Our approach to learning is to go beyond certification requirements to provide more pragmatic and vocational learning outcomes. You have practiced techniques and approaches and are fully confident in applying them in your own practice. Our learning is built around a road-map of modular courses that can be customized to match your current industry sector, relevant reference architectures and your organizations chosen architecture tools. We use an approach and learning platform used by many universities, that provides an environment that uses both self-paced study, virtual class-room, relevant cases and examples and both individual and team exercises, cases and activities.


We are starting with a focus on the telecommunications sector and will expand to other service sectors such as utilities, entertainment, banking, and finance, legal and hospitality in the future.

about us

about us



Example based enterprise architecture capability development, distance learning, coaching, peer review and reuse



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Exemplar Enterprise Architecture Limited


71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden, London

United Kingdom

Registered in England 09597114

VAT registration number 290 1338 18

© 2025  Exemplar Enterprise Architecture Limited  

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