how we teach
our training is built on the principle that the best way to learn is to actively engage by doing things and by using examples that are relevant to your job. This is unlike most online training where you passively read or watch videos with a few self-test questions at the end. And different from face to face training or virtual equivalents where you dont get the chance to practice or have any one to one tutor time and personal feedback.

our courses
we are designing and building an integrated set of modular distance learning courses to develop and practice skills that will advance your careers as enterprise, IT and business architects. Perfect for aspiring architects to learn eveything needed to become a great enterprise architect and for experienced ones to deepen their understanding of a particular subject or demension
our distance learning platform

we use the moodle course management system which is used by most respected universities around the world offering distance learning. The learning environment offers, browser based group video conferencing, readings, tasks, marked assignments, downloads, videos and case studies.

flexible payments
no risk free trial
If you are paying for your own training or trying to choose for your company or team you want to try it out before you decide to buy. Most architecture training companies dont offer you a chance to try out their teaching before you pay usually upfront. We offer the chance to try out our learning experience for free for two weeks before you pay anything. If you like what you see you may then register in the next scheduled course delivery. We offer upfront payment and pay as you go payment options. Pay as you go means you pay in advance only for each month of the course and you can pause your course and return to it in a future delivery.

additional benefits, bundles and discounts

share your architecture model or content on our exchange platform to search for and reuse or add to the library of reusable ArchiMate content

choose industry architectures
reusing these models like TMForum's Frameworks provides a common vocabulary and the ability to share content between organizations. Avoid starting from zero.

choose architecture
we provide course content and “how-to” instructions in your preferred ArchiMate tool. Currently Orbus iServer and Archi, but we hope to add BizzDesign, Sparx and mega later.

choose architecture certification
Our courses will be accredited by the several organizations so you can choose optional certification revision modules and choose which cerificates you want to examine for